Keyhan Asghari
You can request a meeting with Keyhan on Ropera.
Set a MeetingCo-founder of ropera.net. Also co-founder of divar.ir and former VP of Product and Engineering at balad.ir, with product management and engineering experiences at cafebazaar.ir, divar.ir, resid.ir and balad.ir. Formerly Java and Android Developer.
Areas of Expertise
Product Management
I've worked as Product Manager in Divar, Cafe Bazaar, Resid and VP of Product in Balad Maps and Navigation. I can help you grow towards your professional product management career.
Technical Leadership
I've worked in Balad Maps and Navigation as VP of Engineering and has the experience of leading and helping managers and junior leaders grow. I can help you about special leadership / human resources issues you have in your company.